I have taken a bit of time away from this book and from this Journal. Certainly not on purpose, but distracted by the changes at work, the end of the semester, preparing for the Summer, etc.
Today’s Book of Mysteries story is very relevant. It explains why the snake is a symbol of evil (not evil itself). Evil twists the truth much the way a snake moves and attacks. But, also, because it is cold blooded. Because it is cold blooded it cannot go for very long periods of time, we can out run it, we can outlast it…so is it with our relationship with evil. We can persevere and outlast it.
A couple things are going on in my life right now. First, I’m making an effort to focus on things OUTSIDE of work as a primary means of applying myself. Bible study, music, cycling, writing, etc. At the same time, I’m still very connected to my work at KVCC, being pulled into changing responsibilities, and experiencing continued challenges there. I take today’s analogy of my relationship with evil to be an indication of how important it is for me to simply persevere. I am warm blooded (hot blooded actually!) and the evil attacks cannot outlast me.
My comfort is that I have God on my side. He demands that I live by his rules, but he is on my side. If God is on my side, who can stand against me?
There is a lot of contention going on at work, not only with me. Lots of conversations are happening that need to be more inclusive with those who are going to be impacted by them. Low level decision makers are trying to make a mark to impress the President and are acting independently. My role needs to be focused more on my ability to bridge these decisions with those who are impacted by them. The challenge is, can I persevere with this role and not get “hot headed” to the point that I get in the way of that role?
I say sometimes that the Social Scientist brings something very important to ever meeting. They bring a sense of balanced opinion, a demand for evidence, clear thinking and problem solving skills, creativity, and a recognition of multiple perspectives. The Christian brings something to the table as well. A sense of what is good, love and kindness, generosity, caring, compassion, and a perseverance that will outlast evil.
The Mission: In the face of whatever evil, trouble, attack, or sin you’re dealing with, don’t give in. Don’t give up. But press on in the good.