The Yud is the smallest of the Hebrew letters. It signifies small steps, but also (from another source) the concept of work or effort. As we venture to create a new self in line with God’s will, we will not do so always with monumentous changes, but with small steps.
Today, I began to write some commentary in the MHK Bible Series that I’ve created. This is such a monumental task. But the truth is, it is only reading and writing about the Bible. I have to approach this task keeping the Yud in mind. One small step at a time.
I started with the Book of Esther. It si a small book so I feel I can get through it and go through the publishing process to see how this all works out. I’m still working out some of the bugs of format and such so it is good to work on a short book.
Mission: Today, take the smallest of actions, but in a new direction, the first step toward the life of victory you are called to live. The Yud of a new journey!
Mark K.
I found your journal today, when I googled “the power of Yod” . I, too started a journal a few days ago, based on what I was learning from The Book of Mysteries, an audiobook I purchased last weekend. I just figured it would be best to keep track of what I was learning from it. So, I was very glad to see your journal, and apparently, I am starting mine almost 1 year after you did. Anyway, I bookmarked yours, and will probably be coming back to it. Yours will surely be more thorough than mine. Thanks
I’ve been very lax in working on this site as well as lax in my reading of the Book of Mysteries. Getting back into it now.
Thanks for checking it out.
Mark K.