King of the Curse (Book of Mysteries – Day 25)

Symbol of the Crown of Thorns

Christ was crucified with a crown of thorns.  While this may have been an attempt to ridicule him, it was actually part of the design.  Original sin is represented by the thorns.

“Both thorns and thistles it will grow for you; and you will eat the plants of the field.”  Genesis 3:18

This is the curse of the Fall.

A crown symbolizes the weight of authority over the kingdom…it is placed upon the head of the King in a symbol of responsibility.  Its weight in gold and gems symbolizes the riches and the burden.

So too does the crown of thorns symbolize Jesus’ kingship and authority over the totality of sin!  What was meant to ridicule him was turned around to represent the true mission of his ministry…to bare the sins of the world through death and serve as an everlasting sacrifice for all sin, past and present.

Our sin, His Thorns

When we sin today, we add thorns to his crown.  We cause him pain (in the past)…remember, there is no “time” for God.  All is now.  Each of our sins pushes the thorns deeper into his skin and draws more blood out of our God.

Our focus, however, needs to move away from trying to will ourselves out of sin.  It is our nature to sin.  We are powerless over it.  We, instead, are called on to bring our sin nature to Jesus and ask him to take it away with him.  To kill it for us.

“Lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil.”

This is our prayer about sin.  That he would take away the sin.  But we need to approach the cross…we need to hold out our sin and procain that we need Jesus to bare it for us…even when he has done so much for us already.

Mission – Today, bring the thorns, the wounds, the same, the sorrows of your life to the King of Thorns, and commit them to His authority.

Mark K.

The Secret Place (Book of Mysteries – Day 24)

The Holy of Holies was the most sacred place on Earth. It is where the high priest would meet with God, face to face, on Yom Kippur, to see atonement for all of Israel.

This place was built so that it was only large enough for one person, the high priest, and, of course, the presence of God. This most sacred place is now a place we need to create for ourselves, to meet face to face with God and seek our atonement. This place should be free of the things of the world and should be still and quiet.

We need to create this space…it could be inside of us (provided we could ever make that still and quiet enough!). It can also be a physical space, a building, a room, or even the outdoors.

We could make this space in our minds if we can quite our minds. Perhaps some of the prayers, such as the Rosary, are geared toward focusing the mind through the repetitive feature of it so that the real benefit is the quite secret place.

The Mission – Today, go into the secret place, apart from the world and even the things of Him, away from everything – but His presence.


Mark K.

He whose name is like Oil (Book of Mysteries – Day 23)

The story of God and his people is a love story. He is the bridegroom and we are the bride. In the Song of Solomon, the bride says that the “name of the (groom) is like oil pouring out…”

Consider this as an analogy, to a point, of our relationship with God. The “pouring out” of oil signified the “anointing” that was done in the ancient world. The anointed one was the leader of Israel. Jesus’ name means “the anointed one”!

God’s name, to us his bride, is an anointing. If we simply call on Jesus’ name, and experience the name as the pouring out of oil upon us and anointing us, we shall be blessed. When we are tempted to sin, to do that which first comes into our heart and begs to be done, we can simply call on his name and the anointing oil comes forth.

By this oil we are made “children of god” and heirs to the kingdom. We are not called to be sin free, we are called to be dependent on Jesus, to call his name, when we need his anointing so that we can avoid the sin.

I can feel this often in my own struggles. I purposefully don’t call out his name since I know it will bring about an anointing…I don’t want it (at that time, deep in the bubble of my sin), I want the sin, I want to act out. Yet, this is the very way in which God assures us that there is no sin that we are tempted that is not accompanied by a “way out”…the way out is easy, call for the anointing.

The Mission – Delight today in the name of your Beloved. Let it pour forth from your lips, your mind, and your heart.


Mark K.

A Perfect Circle

OK, so, umm, I’m not the biggest fan, but it was an interesting show!  I liked it better than TOOL.

Great minimalist light show too…sort of.

Went to see this band with Jim, for his birthday, with some of his friends.  Very good time!

A Perfect Circle in concert in Portland, ME

Mark K.


On my way home from work the other day, I saw this…also captured well on the iPhone X using the Pan feature.

So cool…

Mark K.


New iPhone

YES!  I got one.

I got an iPhone X.  I got it on the first day it was available.  I went to the Verizon store thinking that I would just try it out.  It was cool, it is still just a phone.  But then the person said, “So, are you getting one?”  I, of course, said yes and she said “OK” and went and got me mine!  I didn’t think they even had any.

I initially wanted a silver one but they did not have it, so I settled for the black model…but, I did get 256 gig memory, so this one is a LOT better than my old one.

And yes, it is cool!

Cool things…

It is cool looking.

Yes it is.  I like the big screen, the notch at the top is fine…don’t know what the big deal is there.

It is blazing fast!

Wow…moving from a 6 to an X is sort of like getting into a sports care.

Pictures are really cool, and Portrait is so nice!

Well, no sense talking about it…

Ayla in Portrait Mode


Ayla, looking dramatic!

Mara and Ayla

Animoji is actually pretty fun and cool!

I think this is my favorite character to use…of course.

Mark K.

The Elohim Mystery (Book of Mysteries – Day 22)

A word for God

The word “Elohim” is the plural word for God.  By this, the original text of Genesis refers to God in the plural.  This is not to say that there were many Gods, because the rest of the sentence (“In the beginning…”) is singular.

What it points to is the infinite-ness of God.  The word implies that God is so beyond our understanding that we cannot even imagine how great and amazing He is.  The is the awe-some-ness of our Creator!


I have wondered a lot about the use of the plural “Gods” in the Bible.  While in this context the word is signifying the immenseness of God, in other parts of the Bible we read about other gods.  Baal, a commonly referred to god, is mentioned quite a lot!  Is there only one god, or are there many gods that are competing for us.

I think that there is only one actual God.  We create the others when we worship other “gods” that we have set up ourselves.  So, we set up Baal.  We set up “money”, “sex”, and “fame” as gods that we worship.  Anything we spend that much time chasing after is something that we set up as a god in our lives and it pushes the true God out of our lives.

One True God

We are cautioned throughout the Bible to be on watch for the idols we worship (I think that idols is just another word for these other gods).  If we look at how we spend out time…those things are idols to us.  If we spend a lot of time in God’s word and worshiping Him, then we are spending out time with the only Idol there is.  But this is often not the case.  We spend a lot of time chasing money and other idols.

These other idols will always, eventually, fail us.  Nothing can fulfill us because nothing is like Elohim.  Nothing is like the infinite-ness of a God that cannot even be described by human language!

It is this unfathomable God that we seek to connect with.  Imagine the source of power that is!

The Trinity of Man

Worthy of a lot more writing than here, I believe that when humans were created in the image of God, our Creator, we were created in three parts (much as we believe God to be in three parts, the Trinity, the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.)

For us, it is the Body, Soul, and Spirit.

In this image you can see that our Spirit is upward-facing and receiving from above.  This is our connection to God through the Holy Spirit.  Our Soul is our true self, the unique identity we have as a Child of God.  Our body is our material selves, connected to the Earth.

We (our souls) are pulled in different directions, like the Spirit and the Body are “hooks”…but, these are also “cups” of a sort…we receive from above the guidance of God through the Holy Spirit and we connect to the natural world through our Body.

As we strive to keep this system whole, we venture to ensure that we continually expose ourselves to God through his Word, through other believers, and prayer.  We also strive to keep our bodies pure and chaste.  While we remain on Earth we remain fixed in this system.  Only when we release our physical connection to Earth (when we die) do we become just Soul and Spirit.

Fill my Cup

When we ask God to help us and our “cup runneth over” we are referring to this Spirit part of us…an open cup receiving the Grace of God.  This is overwhelming to us.

Like a bird with our beaks wide open waiting for our mother bird to feed us, we open ourselves to be filled with God.  Be prepared!  There is a lot coming!  This relates to the Elohim, the infinite greatness that stands above us, waiting to feed us.

The Mission: Today, seek to know God as one who doesn’t know the half of Him.  Seek to know Him more, and afresh, as if for the first time.

Mark K.