The greatest love we can give is to place ourselves in their shoes, to take their pain, to sacrifice ourselves for them.
This great love has already manifested with Jesus.
That is it. The greatest single act of love has already been given to us. All we can do is be greatful and humble about it. But, we are also called to love. In particular we are called to love some who are difficult to love.
Imagine this definition of love in the context of “Love your enemy”.
This means we are to take the place of our enemy’s shoes, pain, and sacrifice.
While this is relatively straightforward for ones we find easy to love, how do we manifest this in those who have done us wrong?
How do we balance the need for justice with a love for those who have committed acts against us? “Tough Love”, the first answer that comes to mind, seems a weak argument. There is also the need for the righting of wrongs to protect others from experiencing the same thing.
Maybe the tie in is with the golden rule. By placing myself in my enemy’s shoes I can think of what I would want to see someone do to me if I were caught me doing the wrong that I had committed. I would want an open and straight-forward confrontation. I would not want to be shamed, I would want the opportunity to fix it and make it right, and ultimately I would want correction and help.
The Mission: Today practice the Devine and cosmic love. Put yourself in the place of another – your feet in their shoes, your heart in their heart.
Mark K.