Today we learn some deeper meaning behind the command to “do unto others” or the “Golden Rule”
We are not only charged to do to others what we would have done to us, but this is the very nature of the universe. The equal but opposite laws of physics applied to the human experience.
What we do in the world will be returned to us. If we give, it will be given to us. If we take, it will be taken from us.
So the command is not only for obedience, but to live well in the world. A gift, a hint about how the world works. Do you want to be wealthy, give you money away! (Mind that the wealth you receive back may be of a different kind, but you will know that it is wealth…and even more valuable.)
This reminds me of the saying that I have seen around…”Be the change you want to see in the world”
I’ve always liked this because it causes us to consider that WE are the ones that need to act, instead of waiting for others to bring about the changes we would like to see. Get off the couch and get to it!
The Mission: What is it you seek from life and from others? Today, make it your goal to give to others the very thing you seek.
Mark K.