It is vain to think that we have any power of consequence in our lives. What strength we do have comes directly from God. He strengthens us, removes the barriers, and shuffles the very stars to suit his plan.
Drawing on that power, through obedience, we cannot fail in any true sense. We float along the stream of God’s plan. Our real needs are met and he will even favor the ones that follow him. Even, at times, in this world.
Fortune is ally to the brave. Yet fortune is simply the consequence of being a part of God’s plan. In His ordered universe there is no “chance”. Nothing is random, even if it appears to be. Always, pattern emerge from the chaos consider only your own life and you can know this as truth.
This must set us as humble. When the almighty creator of the universe guides our very steps, how lowly, grateful, and humble we must feel. Despite the fruits of our knowledge, there is still so much we don’t understand.
Long after science has solved many of the mysteries of the universe, without faith we remain ignorant of our most important answers to our most important questions:
Who are we, and why are we here.
Mark K