Today I read the story of Esau who, when famished after a hunting expedition, sold his birthright to his brother Jacob in exchange for some stew.
Is this not the lesson of addictive sin! We are selling our birthright as the children are f God to satisfy a hunger. Just like food, the satisfaction comes into us and then leaves and we are empty again.
The food and water the God promises us if we obey him do not leave us. We will never hunger or thirst again. But so little can tempt us from this everlasting sustenance.
This is the power of the darkness inside of us and the cleverness of the deceiver. “Surely, you will not die!” he says to Eve.
But we do die. We now are expected to know the difference between good and evil and this had burdened us ever since. This is the result of the fall in the garden. Prior to that, our innocence was in our ignorance. Now we are “wise” and must decide for ourselves.
Mark K.