This morning I read this article:
Jonathan Cahn’s Last Words to Obama and Charge to President Trump
I was drawn to this article by a book that was given to me at Faith this past Sunday called “The Book of Mysteries” by Jonathan Cahn. Rabbi Cahn is a “Messianic Rabbi”, still Jewish, but believes that Jesus was the Messiah.
The article fires up the image of America as the “City on the Hill” that is to spread light around the world. He laments about the Obama years as the bringers of darkness…in particular relation to two issues: Marriage and Abortion.
These are hot topics for Christians and to many others in the world. Truthfully, my own thoughts on these issues are on the move…they are moving toward a more conservative viewpoint. Though I feel strange about this, as for many years I have sided on the pro-equal marriage and abortion rights side of things, they seem to align to my thoughts about God more and more.
What I’m coming to realize is how powerful God really is. I know to believers this is silly, but to me this is profound. I have claimed to be a Christian for a long time, but yet I routinely deny the power of God by denying his commands for how I am to live my life. I simply fail to see him as the powerful, univers-building being that he is. Through this denial, I can act as I will and see no universal consequence.
While I do not believe that the purpose of our faithful lives on Earth is to be rewarded in the hear and now, there is a connection in the hear and now to what we do and what we get, we really do reap what we sow. I believe that this happens in relationships, in finances, in moral behavior, and in every other aspect of life. There is a balance to the universe that is built into all of its structures. Opposing forces are constantly at play and our role is to battle for the “right” agains the “wrong” and there really are absolute “rights” and “wrongs”!
The article certainly continues to make the claim that America is God’s special country. That somehow we have been selected as the example for the world. In some ways, we are this. This makes America great, but as any example, it is a great responsibility and others imitate us good and bad. Look at the impact that great athletes who have fallen from grace have on children and young men who admire them!
Like it or not…we are example of the world. The world looks to the thoughts, behaviors, actions, opinions, etc. of America as a guide. We have to choose what kind of guide that is.
Mark K.