I shared a great time with my daughter Mara tonight. I am so proud of her. She has such great energy and ambition for life. She can get sidetracked easily, but that is something I can relate to.
She inspired the first poem out of me for quite some time.
We were talking about Adventure Therapy, and she is in the process of writing an article for a magazine about it (hopefully she will get it done!)
I wrote some lines called “Adventure Therapy”
Again, it flowed pretty easy…a bunch of edits the first time through and it is ready to go. (At least to MY standards!)
I knew Mara was going to be home tonight so I made a deal with myself that I would not do any work. I would make myself 100% accessible and available to her as she did her visit. As it turns out, she is staying here for three days. That will be cool. We will have lots of time to connect outside of work.
I will need to spend time at work doing work though. I still have to get my to do lists done!
Today was filled with a lot of anxiety and pain (others’).
A student’s husband died of an overdose and she wants to talk about it in class. This is causing some anxiety among the staff. It is not that people can’t handle it, it is not that the staff does not have the boundaries or skills…but just like the first time I encountered real mental health issues in students, I did not expert, nor did I want, to deal with that in THIS job!
I had to do quite a bit of supporting today.
I created a video about the ERT (Emergency Response Team) training we are supposed to do in class. I sent it out to Kathy E. but I have not heard back. I think it came out pretty well.
I did it in the format that I want to use for Psychobabble and found that it was not that difficult to pull together. The story line came through as I was putting the slide show together and then I recorded the audio on the first take.
I think that when I get to do the Psychobabble stuff I will be able to do the voice overs without a script…though, it might be easier to use a script. I can think through the stories and such as well.
I’ll do the slide show and then write the script. It was fun to do and the results were pretty cool. I think the Psychobabble thing is really going to work out well.
Mark K.