In today’s story the word “ruach” means both the “wind” and the “spirit”.
When we are in the world we can choose to walk against the wind. When we do this we become tired, and our journey is a struggle because of the drag created by the wind. When we turn around we are walking with the wind and our journey is easier, in fact we are sometimes pushed in the direction we are heading.
This is the way with walking with the spirit.
We make choices every day to either walk in the spirit of God or to walk against it. Now this does not guarantee that we will not stumble or be pushed in a direction that we do not like…indeed it is likely that this will happen. But the push of the spirit is in the direction that God wants us to go in.
Reflecting on this we have to be careful that we do not equate the walking with the wind with simply things being easier. We may choose to stay in our “comfort zone” because it feels as though we are walking with the wind. But THAT wind is not the wind of the spirit of God, that is the wind of our selves and our egos. These are selfish and lazy and will seek out the minimal of effort. Our walk with God, even though it is with the wind, is meant to be effortful. In fact, because of our sinful nature, it always will be effortful. The easier and wider path is always the one to destruction.
I think this can take on the flavor of group dynamics as well. We may feel a certain way in regard to a decision or viewpoint in a group but it is EASIER to go along with the group than to distinguish yourself from the group by holding a differenting opinion. Yet the spirit may be pushing you in that direction! You may need to stand firm, to resist the wind of your “instincts” of those of the group.
Ultimately, particularly over time, I believe that walking with the wind of God will make life easier. We are definitiv3ely more secure in our lives when we are walking with the wind. We know that we are aligned with the expectations of our creator and the higher order morality that we are capable of.
The Mission: What part of your life is against the direction of the Spirit’? Today, turn it around and start walking with the Wind at your back.
Mark K.