The truth is, my struggle is to stop doing sinful things. But, this is not the only calling of God. We are to avoid sin but this leaves a vacuum. There is a void where the sin used to be and this is dangerous because sin wishes to fill that void.
Live alone can fill that void. Love is incompatible with sin and the two cannot I-exist. Despite my assumptions to the contrary, I cannot sin and love at the same time.
To lessen sin is noble but the path to a changed life, a fulfillment of God’s will, is to act, to love. Not only is this action the will of God, it also diverts our energies away from sin. It is a weapon against temptation. The “escape” from sin that God has always promised he would give us when faced with temptation is the opportunity to love instead of sin.
The great commandments, and they are the great ones, are to first love God with all your being, and the second is to love your neighbor as yourself. Mindful that this live is an act, a duty, and is fulfilled in this world through charity of time, effort, prayer, and resources.
Mark K