Yesterday I spent the day at Faith at a “Men without Regrets” conference. It was pretty good.
There were three presentations that really struck me:
- One person presented on race. That there really is only one race (the human race). But we cannot be color blinded because color is part of the diversity that God created…part of our individual identity.
- Another presentation told the story of a plaster, having moved recently to Hawaii, ended up in a diner at 3 am while a number of prostitutes came in. One of them said it was her birthday the next day. The pastor decided to wrk with the diner and throw her a party the next morning. What kind of church would throw a birthday party for a prostitute at 3 am? The diner owner was amazed. We should scribe to be a church known for its love, not known for what it is against.
- Finally, the last energetic session looked at the story of the last supper in the Upper Room. The speaker’s wife (Jewish) made note that the basic of water to wash feet was at the door and that each of the disciples ignored it. This was a test, and Jesus pretty much shamed everyone there while he was demonstrating that the Son of Man had come as a servant.
The whole event was really cool.
I met a cool pastor for Ellsworth named Kevin. I’ll have to follow up with him.
Mark K.