OK, so we are very close to starting classes at KVCC…like, tomorrow!
I needed to get the CourseBook done for Interviewing and Counseling and I just submitted it for publishing. I’m pretty excited about this one. Each one I do is better than the last.
I was also inspired to do another book. In Chapter 2 of this one, I went into some detail about the application of Development Theory to persons with mental illness (or for any disability, for that matter.)
The information just flowed and I found it fun to write and interesting to bring it all together into one place like that. So…I’m going to set out to write a real book this time.
The Application of Developmental Theory to the Treatment and Rehabilitation of Persons with Disabilities.
How does that sound? (Actually, I talked about this in a previous post didn’t I…)
I’m pretty pumped up!
So, now I need a break from my computer. Time to putter in the (eventual) Man Room!
Mark K.