In an effort to get back into the Book of Mysteries that I have been reading, I re-read the Day 17 article “How to Alter your Past”. Interestingly, I woke this morning thinking deeply about time and space. And the end of the world. I’ll explain!
Last night, prior to bed, I watched a videos about the Building of the third Temple, and the Antichrist. Not exactly the most settling of topics before heading off into dreamland, but it was interesting. It was put together by a guy who runs a news program (online, I guess) for Isreal.
The first video claimed that the Temple Mound, currently occupied by the Dome of the Rock is NOT the original location of the Jewish temple, but was a Roman fort, Fort Antonio (apparently named for Mark Anthony). The controversy of the building of the 3rd Temple is that the traditional location is on Temple Mound and that the Muslim shrine there would have to be removed. I do not think they want to remove it (tradition say that Mohammad was taken up into heaven on that spot.)
So, if the original Jewish temple was not built on Temple Mound, but close to it in the “City of David” (a section of Jerusalem) then the construction could start immediately. This would be an important event for both Jews and Christians because the building of the 3rd Temple would foreshadow the return (Christian) or appearance (Jews) of the Messiah.
So, mindful of “end times”, the second video discussed the Antichrist. The video made a case for the last two Popes of Rome to be the two individuals discussed in Daniel 11:20,21.
This all resulted in me thinking about Time and Space. Strange, I know. First, we are possibly close to the end times and I find these thoughts intriguing. Second, it makes me wonder about “living after death” and the forever-ness of that. Third, how does God go back in time and erase our sins? The creator of time must certainly be able to alter and master time. Fourth, what has this to do with the nature of universe and the relationship between time and space?
Well, a though, unfounded, came to me. Time IS space. Now this might not be a revelation of any kind from a Physics point of view (I will look into this) but it is a curious thought to me. I will dwell on this. Of course it would have implications to explain infinity and, on a more mundane level, it would explain space travel and living outside of time in the resurrection.
Mark K.