The Mystery of the Bride (Book of Mysteries – Day 6)

The Longing

In all of us there is an emptiness.  In our day we have so many distractions that attempt to fill this emptiness.  Money, career, ambition, sex, possessions, power, etc.  All to fill the emptiness.

At the point of sin entering the world we were separated from God.  We are his creation and we seek to join with him.  The hole which is the absence of God, is the loneliness that only he can satisfy.

In C.S. Lewis’ “Silent Planet” series, if I remember correctly, the planets represent the absence of God, not the presence.  These are worlds given to evil…God is absent from them, hence the material world gathered in those places.  All that we know is the absence of God.  Even in this great wonderful world of beauty, it is still beauty in the absence of God.  Imagine what the world, reality, would look like in a world WITH God!

Marriage to God

The Book of Mysteries goes on with the analogy to communicate that we not only must seek God, but to marry him.  To give him our all.  To be obedient and he will take care of us and love us.  (It would be interesting to look at the scripture on brides to see how it matches God’s expectations for our behavior.)

The Mission: Put away anything that substitutes for his presence, and join all that you are, your deepest parts, to your Bridegroom.


Mark K.

I learned something today…

On the way back from the gig in PA, I was attempting to do some Bible reading.  I learned that it is impossible to read the Bible and have Louis C. K. (Comedian) playing on the radio.

I eventually gave up and just listened to Louis.

Funny, a bit crude, you know…it is a band thing.

I also have great friends.  On the way down to meet the boys at Mike’s house I hit a Coyote (rather it ran out and hit me).  The little guy took out my radiator in his last moments.  While we were at the gig, Mike arranged to have my car fixed for a measly $180.  It was ready an hour after we arrived.

Very cool stuff.


Mark K.

Some recent happenings…

OK, so over the past few days there are some interesting things going on.  Here are some summaries!

Books for Hannah

I went through the books that we have that were abandoned by our Library at KVCC and found a great collection of hard bound, young-adult books.  When Katie when to see Hannah this last week, she brought the books to her.

Accident on 201

On my way home on Friday there was a truck at SAPPI that did not quite make the turn!

Stage set up at New Hope Winery

As I write this I am on my way back from this gig in PA.  What an amazing show!  We played our socks off, but more than that (or integrated with that) is the audience was amazing!  They were singing along and screaming at EVERY song!  

For nearly the entire first set the audience picked the songs they wanted to hear…shouting them out and then we played them.  When we played Tiny Dancer, Gerald let the audience sing huge parts of the song on their own…that was very very cool.

Here is the stage set up prior to the gig!

Awesome time!


Mark K.

Mark 14:51

I have not idea what is with this part of the Bible story.  When Jesus is led away to be judged, there is a young man there who is naked except for a linen cloth.  They tried to capture him but he fled naked without the cloth.

The implications of this in the modern world are clear.  But, assuming that everything is included in the Word for a reason, why was this part included?

Reviewing a number of commentaries most simply say that this was the owner of the garden, or simply one of many followers, who was roused late in the night with the sound of the arrest, and hurried to see what was going on.

One commentary points to the importance of the family of Lazarus.  This may have been Lazarus, it says, and the linen cloth was the death shroud that he was wrapped in prior to his raising from the dead.  he may have stayed in that state after the resurrection.  This family of Bethany has importance throughout the Bible, and the lack of stated names may have been an effort to secure their identity in the early church.  The woman who poured the expensive oil of Jesus is said to be Lazarus’ sister.

There is a lot of conjecture here.  In the story of the rich man who asked how to follow Jesus and was told to sell all his possessions we might have been introduced to Lazarus.  So, we know that the young rich man went away sad because he many many possessions, but we do not know if followed through.  Selling “everything” may have been taken literally and all he had was the linen cloth.  

So, here we have a rich man, who is supporting Jesus’ ministry by selling all his wealth.  This may, in fact be Lazarus, and he has nothing save for the linen cloth he was buried in…if he was a rich and well-known supporter of Jesus, this would justify why they tried to arrest him.  He ran away and that whole story may relate to other stories told by Lazarus’ family.  

What does it symbolize?

Jesus is about to be put to death.  We are alive but naked and shrouded by death.  Death itself, represented by the arresting officers seeks to capture us, but we leave death behind and flee to freedom, naked before God.  I’m presuming meaning here, as this may simply be a narrative to communicate to the young man himself and his legacy.  But, there are a number of references to ho we naked before God in the Bible.  The difference here is that this person left death behind.

Two Raised from the Dead

It also strikes me that although we praised Jesus because of the fact the fact that he rose from the dead, his is, indeed, the SECOND person to have done this.  Lazarus was raised front the dead.  If all I said above is true, then God had special plans for Lazarus (and possibly his whole, very wealthy family).  


Mark K.

Interesting Bible Readings…

Was the betrayal planned?

Jesus states that one of the 12 will betray them and there is lots of confusion.  Now it might be that they were afraid, or revolted by the idea, but it might be that they wished it not to be them to be picked.  Jesus may have been telling them that the plan was that one of them must betray him.  Judas was the one picked.  It is a horrible to have to do and he may have hated doing it but he was the one picked to carry out that task.

If you read the text in that manner you can see that this meaning can be quite clear.

Imagine the horror of being the one who drew that “short straw”!

Leviticus 17

Interesting stuff here about blood too.  God says that blood is life…so to shed blood is to shed life, to spill blood is to spill life.  It is the “magic” stuff that is life and it truly is.  The properties of blood are amazing and a highly efficient way to carry needed resources in the body.

  • It is the only liquid tissue
  • It is a connective tissue
  • 5 liters (8% of body weight)
  • Heavier and more viscous than water
  • Ph is 7.4
  • Transportation of O2 and nutrients
  • Maintain stable body temperature
  • Maintain stable body pH
  • Clotting prevents fluid loss
  • White blood cells protect us from infection
  • Plasma (55%) is a yellow liquid (protein, salts, and nutrients) – similar to sea water

This is the fluid of life, without it our complex internal systems would not exist.  

It is equated with life in the Bible.


Mark K.

Apple Distinquished Educator

Today I received great news!  I have been selected to be a member of the Apple Distinguished Educator Class of 2017!

I submitted an application and a video to show how I have incorporated Apple products into innovative teaching and learning opportunities.  Well, I got it!

I’m pretty pumped up about it!

Apple Distinquished Educators Website

Over the next few weeks I need to update on my website and such, so that is going to be cool.  I’m also going to meet with a current ADE who works at KV and look into the opportunities that this opens up for me.  She travels all over the place and no longer teaches classes, she teachers others how to use Apple products.

Way cool!


Mark K.

Appointing your Days (Book of Mysteries – Day 5)

There is a teaching that says “number your days” but this term (number) has another meaning.  It means to appoint or plan for or become intentional about your day.

While we may not know what a day will bring us, we can approach the day with intention.  Not only a plan of what we are going to do that day, but an overall mission for the day.  Likely to act in a manner that draws attention to God, that glorifies him.  When we pray we should ask God to show us what his intent is for our day.  We strive to match our intent and planning for the day with God’s overall mission.

I have put myself on a rigourous schedule recently.  All the projects, goals, and events of my days are outlined in my calendar.  There is very little room left in between each item on my calendar and often I can see that I don’t stop all day…if I follow the calendar.

But with all this goal setting and such, I must focus on the appointment of my day.  I might say that it is the mission of the day (the overall mission) and the opportunity to react to what the world brings to us and by so doing, shed light on the world.  Our ability to be open and accepting and responsive to these moments, is how we go about appointing our days.


Mark K.

The Ruach (Book of Mysteries – Day 4)

In today’s story the word “ruach” means both the “wind” and the “spirit”.

When we are in the world we can choose to walk against the wind. When we do this we become tired, and our journey is a struggle because of the drag created by the wind.  When we turn around we are walking with the wind and our journey is easier, in fact we are sometimes pushed in the direction we are heading.

This is the way with walking with the spirit.

We make choices every day to either walk in the spirit of God or to walk against it.  Now this does not guarantee that we will not stumble or be pushed in a direction that we do not like…indeed it is likely that this will happen.  But the push of the spirit is in the direction that God wants us to go in.

Reflecting on this we have to be careful that we do not equate the walking with the wind with simply things being easier.  We may choose to stay in our “comfort zone” because it feels as though we are walking with the wind.  But THAT wind is not the wind of the spirit of God, that is the wind of our selves and our egos.  These are selfish and lazy and will seek out the minimal of effort.  Our walk with God, even though it is with the wind, is meant to be effortful.  In fact, because of our sinful nature, it always will be effortful. The easier and wider path is always the one to destruction.

I think this can take on the flavor of group dynamics as well.  We may feel a certain way in regard to a decision or viewpoint in a group but it is EASIER to go along with the group than to distinguish yourself from the group by holding a differenting opinion.  Yet the spirit may be pushing you in that direction!  You may need to stand firm, to resist the wind of your “instincts” of those of the group.

Ultimately, particularly over time, I believe that walking with the wind of God will make life easier.  We are definitiv3ely more secure in our lives when we are walking with the wind.  We know that we are aligned with the expectations of our creator and the higher order morality that we are capable of.

The Mission: What part of your life is against the direction of the Spirit’?  Today, turn it around and start walking with the Wind at your back.


Mark K.


In Mark we read in the Bible about Jesus’ promise that whatever we ask for in prayer will be answered.  But this is in the context of the analogy of the mountain that can be moved with faith.

Now, the mountain represents barriers (the same way we say “climbing mountains” can be an analogy for having to overcome hardship)

The text reads…”whatever you have asked for, believe that you have already received it, and it will be yours.”

This is not a promise for your prayers, it is a promise that if you have faith and encounter barriers, and you ask for deliverance or help…BELIEVE THAT YOU HAVE ALREADY RECEIVED IT!  That is the key to understanding this passage!

Our faith can move mountains when we believe God has already done so!


Mark K.