
Teaching across multiple learning management systems has inspired me to create content for my courses in a format that is outside of the LMS.  The result is a series of CourseBooks that contain the “content” of the course.  These CourseBooks are available as digital eBooks in the Apple Store and in print through Amazon.

They are updated frequently so the ones below represent the newest editions.

Click HERE to visit the CourseBooks page on the MHK Creations Website.  

Kavanaugh, M. (2022). Abnormal Psychology (Fourth Edition). MHK Creations.

This course examines behavior identified as different from societal norms. Lectures and discussion topics will include psychopathology, assessment, diagnoses, the impact of physical health, review of the research, and the impact on our society.

Apple Books | Amazon Print

Kavanaugh, M. (2022). Behavior Management (Fifth Edition). MHK Creations.

Students learn to apply behavior management techniques in their own lives and in the educational setting. Control of the antecedents and consequences of behaviors is emphasized. Study of theory and research provides a framework for practical application.

Apple Books | Amazon Print

Kavanaugh, M. (2022). Biopsychology (Fourth Edition). MHK Creations.

Biopsychology is the study of the biological nature of psychological phenomena.  The course explores the biological basis of basic nervous system structure and function, development and plasticity of the brain, sensory function, movement, consciousness, emotions, learning, cognition, and the varied mental disorders.  Students will learn the association between neurological structure, chemistry, and function and related behaviors and psychological experiences.  Students will also conduct basic psychophysiological experiments.

Apple Books | Amazon Print

Keaten, J. (2022). Death and Dying (Fourth Edition). MHK Creations.

This course is an introduction to the study of death and dying.  Includes discussion about how attitudes around death and dying have developed and changed within our society and culture.  Significant discussion and exploration of suicide, assisted suicide, euthanasia, and hospice care for the terminally ill.  Various death rituals will be discussed.

Apple Books | Amazon Print

Kavanaugh, Mark (2022). Developmental Psychology (Fourth Edition). MHK Creations.

This course is a survey of the biological, cognitive, and socio-emotional aspects of human growth and development across the lifespan. Lifespan topics include an introduction to the lifespan perspective; biological changes; family, peer, and social relations; cognition; and personality development.

Apple Books | Amazon Print

Kavanaugh, M. (2022). Introduction to Psychology (Seventh Edition)), MHK Creations.

This CourseBook is an introduction and overview of the study of human behavior. Lectures and discussion topics will include motivation, perception, historical roots, biological bases of behavior, scientific methods, human development, psychopathology, and theory.

Apple Books | Amazon Print

Kavanaugh, M. (2022). Introduction to Sociology (Seventh Edition) MHK Creations.

A general scientific study of people and the dynamics of society, with emphasis upon the nature of culture, social institutions, social interactions, social units, and their influence on the individual. An overview of sociological concepts and perspectives is also presented.

Apple Books | Amazon Print

Martin, R. (2022). Positive Psycholog (Third Edition) MHK Creations.

The aim of this CourseBook is to provide a general understanding of theoretical and empirical advances in positive psychology. My hope is that this course enhances your appreciation of how science and psychology are beautifully poised to advance understanding of the human condition. 

Apple Books | Amazon Print

Kavanaugh, M. (2022). Psychology Seminar (First Edition). MHK Creations.

This CourseBook was designed as an introduction to the Associates of Science in Psychology at Kennebec Valley Community College.  It explores establishing a learning community, technology expertise, psychological information literacy, APA writing style, academic and career planning, and course/program/institutional assessment.

Apple Books | Amazon Print

Kavanaugh, M. (2022). Sensation and Perception (Fourth Edition). MHK Creations.

Sensation is the registration of physical stimuli on sensory receptors.  Perception is the process of creating conscious experiences from sensory input.  The study of Sensation and Perception examines the interaction between sense organs and nerves in our bodies and our brains.  The course will review all the human senses and relate these to aspects of human perception such as expectations, personal history, and cultural norms.  Students will engage in sensory simulations and reflect upon the applications of this knowledge to the world around them and the human experience.

Apple Books | Amazon Print

Kavanaugh, M. (2022). Social Psychology (Second Edition). MHK Creations.

This course focuses on the basic concepts and applications of social psychology, and includes such topics as attitudes, beliefs, and behavior; stereotyping, prejudice, and discrimination; interpersonal relationships, group behavior; and the effect of environmental stressors on behavior.

Apple Books | Amazon Print

Kavanaugh, M. (2022). Statistics for Psychology (Fifth Edition), MHK Creations.

This course will focus on advanced applications of statistics to contemporary problems of modern Psychology.  This course will teach many of the concepts needed to understand, conduct, and interpret common statistical procedures and techniques.  This course will establish students’ proficiency in understanding the use of statistical procedures in core content areas of Psychology, develop skills in the analysis of behavior via scientific inquiry, and to present the results of studies using appropriate statistical language.

Apple Books | Amazon Print

© Mark Kavanaugh 2017