St. Thomas University (1985-1987)
Fredericton, NB (Canada)
BA with First Class Honours with Distinction in Psychology (May 11, 1987)
- PSYC 2-310: Statistics for Psychology
- PSYC 2-300: Experimental Design
- PSYC 2-371: Principles of Learning
- SOCI 2-310: Inequality in Society
- PSYC 431: Behaviour Modification
- PSYC 473: Psychology of Reading
- PSYC 2-320: Personality and Behavior
- EDUC 525: Music and the Teacher I
- PSYC 3-481: Quantitative Methods: Computer Applications
- PSYC 431: Seminar in Personality
- EDUC 526: Music and the Teacher II
- R. S. 2-321: Psychology and Myth
- PSYC 2-340: Developmental Psychology
- PSYC 480: Honours Thesis
- SPAN 100: Beginning Spanish